Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hard Headed

I am back from a long vacation and had one story to share from the trip. Our 3 year old is notorious for having a hard head (She has actually blacked me out with a head-butt before). While we were away she managed to give me another head-butt. I looked at her and said, "Lauren you have a really hard head." Without thinking about it for a second she replied, "I know daddy, and I have really sharp teeth too. Do you want to feel?" And then she proceeded to place them around my nose. Where did that come from?

One of my normal type entries will follow soon.


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your story very much. The older my girls become, the more I miss them being so young. It's as if I'll never have those moments for myself. Enjoy them; they are a precious gift from God.


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