I have linked an excellent article by
Dr. Russel Moore of Southern Seminary on Marriage and adultery. When I began reading it I thought he was going somewhere else with it, and that sparked this blog. I have been studying more and more about what is being called the "Emerging Church." I cannot say I fully understand the movement yet, but it has raised a lot of concern in my own mind. It appears to have a lot of men with good theology but are nearly willing to do whatever it takes to make that theology relevant to society. As I was reading Dr. Moore's article I could not help but apply it to the church and our adultery. We want that romance, excitement, etc., so we chase after this and that. It used to be people had one job all their life, they attended one church all their life, they lived in one town all their life. This may not sound exciting, but they stuck with things through the fun and tough times. I came out of college and was told I would probably work for 7 companies in my life. I ended up moving 5 times in 5 years (4 to completely different states). While some of these things may be fine and exciting, in the process have we lost too much of our sense of commitment? I see Dr. Moore's article applying to more areas of life than simply marriage.
Hey, Keep up the good work, I could say I enjoy reading your blogs but it's much more than that. Your articles show that you are ever learning, growing & studying but filtering all this through the only truth that never changes. It is a help to me and I hope others find this Blogger.
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