Tearing Down Fences

It sounds like a great thing, to tear down the barriers and fences that surround us, keep us hemmed in, and that keep others out, and there are times when it must occur. However, what if the fences serve a purpose for which we have lost sight? Fences in our spiritual life are the barriers we put up to keep us from going over into sin and sin from entering into our path. It is part of the process of throwing off the sins that entangle us. Sometimes we too quickly forget how easily sin does entangle and we stop taking it seriously. Examples of some fences in the past, some good and some not as good; don't go to movies, don't use slang words, don't play cards, don't drink, don't watch any movie over PG, don't go to dances, not owning a TV, turning off a TV show if they curse once, not listening to secular music, etc. Some of these you can find direct scriptures to show us the lesson, others are indirect applications of biblical principles. These indirect applications are fences. There is no virtue in them, but they are there to help us maintain a steadfast walk with God.
It seems that in a response to legalism (placing virtue in fences or claiming them for righteousness) much of evangelicalism has removed all its fences. Therefore, there is nothing between us and the world, between us and sin. We have little to distinguish the line between a Christian and a lost person, and we have little cushion between and steadfast walk and sin. What are the answers? Hopefully they will come in later posts.
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