Many of us have heard or used the phrase "watered down gospel", but what does that mean? Let us begin with what it does not mean. It does not mean that there is no truth present in the gospel presented. Watered down may be thought of as adding water to a spicy soup. The water is added to make the soup a little less hard for the mouth or stomach to accept. It weakens the strong taste. So, when the gospel is watered down it does not mean that you won't hear about Jesus and truths about him. What it does mean is that in an attempt to make the gospel more acceptable, palatable, or relevant someone or some group has weakened it in some manner. This can be done by softening the doctrine of hell or eternal punishment, by only focusing on the positives in the message, by not making it clear what one is being saved from, by omitting sin from the message, by appealing to man's free will and decision rather than the saving work of the Holy Spirit and sovereignty of God, etc. As you can see in the picture, it does not destroy or remove everything, but it distorts a clear view of the truths of scripture. How dangerous is this? One's salvation can be at stake! Depending on the level of watering down or the truth blurred one can be lead to trust in the wrong thing, other than salvation by the work of Christ alone. One may accept a better life and the morals of Christianity, but never die to self and find life in Christ.
This could also be described as sugar coating the gospel. My parents used to do this with our medicine. They would trick us by putting the medicine in some apple sauce. We would then swallow what we needed inadvertently. Some have tried to do this with the gospel. They have tried to make it as sweet as possible, by omitting truth or overly focusing on certain truths. In order to give people what they need, Jesus, they weaken or sweeten the gospel to help it slide down. It sounds good, it is coated in terms of evangelism, witnessing, reaching the lost, etc., but we must we must hold fast to the truths of scripture so that our picture of salvation, Christ and God is not blurred.
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