Walking On Water, Ice, or Egg shells?

The better question to ask may be why do scientists want to rationalize away the miracles of Jesus? After all this theory lacks for proof and may be impossible to prove that this is what occurred on the exact nigh and location that Christ walked on water. I could go into my theories why this is absurd, like why a boat could go through the water no problem when there was thick enough ice to walk on, and Peter walked on the water right near the boat if you want to say the ice was only near the edge of the lake, but this is not my point in writing.
This newest attack at the miraculous is another in a long line and even the foundation of Liberal and Neo-Orthodox theology. They cannot believe miracles over science. Every belief and happening needs to conform to mind and understanding. At its heart much of this appears to be man trying to make God accountable before man, rather than man having to give an account before God.
Some people who reject miracles and the historicity of Bible passages I
understand--they want to deny Jesus is God, and sometimes mroe than that.
They want to salve their consciences.
But there are some who will buy into this ice theory, who will affirm other
miracles--sometimes greater ones.
That's what I don't get.
although i don't think a lot of people will buy into this theory, i don't see it as significantly different than those who are willing to dismiss Genesis 1 and 2 in favor of evolution... i mean, if he can come back to life, why couldn't he create the world in 6 days????
or walk on water, or part the red sea, or create a great fish...
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