Thursday, January 05, 2006

Floating Pulpits

As much as I enjoy Steve Camp and agree with his stand against CCM, this ad on his blog really seems ironic to me. A Cruise to discuss pulpit crimes? Pulpit crimes like using the ministry for personal gain and a life of ease? Making the truth more palatable? Using entertainment to spread the gospel?

I hope the Cruise goes well, and I know many popular and good speakers offer their own, but the combination of the topic and location seemed to ironic to pass up.

  1. All of us are tempted to compromise is some area. Satan is always at work and loves for us to compromise the truth in any way.
  2. We all have blind spots. As right as many of us think our theology and worldviews are, we all have chinkes in our armor. It is another reminder to be dependant upon the Holy Spirit and not our own understanding.
  3. Reformed Theology needs to go further than knowledge. If you truly believe in the sovereignty of God and salvation by grace alone it needs to impact all of your Christian walk. It must impact your Justification, Sanctification, Worship, etc. Having the right theolgy is not enough, it has to be applied correctly in all areas.
I have thought of a few other possible cruises and topics, none of these actually exist.

* "Get Out of Debt" featuring Dave Ramsey. Rates begining at $499 per person. Plus you must pay the $185 seminar fee for copyright purposes. If you would like to keep up on your personal money make over, wireless internet is available at $4.95 a day (You must first have a monthly membership to his website at $8.95 a month). T-Shirts and hats will be available at the duty free gift shop. Port fees not included.
* "The Discipline of Fasting" featuring John Piper and Donald Whitney. A seven day cruise all drinks and meals are included.


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