New Blasted Gourds
I am planning on keeping this site open for now, but I have been working on revamping our church website and have now formed a new blasted gourds site that I am trying out. Come by and visit.
Random Thought Life of Pastor Andy
I am planning on keeping this site open for now, but I have been working on revamping our church website and have now formed a new blasted gourds site that I am trying out. Come by and visit.
How can you be a vital Christian? How can you make your church a vibrant church?
You can start all kinds of programs to build community and read all kinds of self help books on how to be a better Christian, but it really comes back to the basics. You must love God, you must love the people of God, and this all calls for commitment in one anothers lives.
I was over on another Pastor's blog and was introduced to this video, The Me Church. It is a humorous exaggeration and reflection of the way some churches operate and how many think the church should function. It raises the questions, what is the purpose of the church?, what should I expect from the church?, how if at all should the church be marketed?, what is my responsibility within the church?, and even what is the church? It has been a lasting concern of mine that we have defined or allowed the church to be defined as a brick building, an