Friday, May 27, 2005

Quote of the Week, May 27

"God needs all the help He can get."

-My Catholic Neighbor

Just so that no one is confused, I am not in agreement with this quote. However, I find it a great commentary on the Catholic Faith and the view that there is an ability within us to be able to things that even God has to stop and say thanks for. In other words, they believe somehow we have the ability to do something that obligates God to return us a favor.

For it is by grace you are saved, not of yourselves, not of works. We cannot earn God's favor, only Christ can do that. God will never owe us anything, it is we who owe Him something. We must one day stand and give an account before Him for what we have done with this gift of life He has given us. But there is one he owes, it is Christ. He has given Him anything that He wants on heaven and on earth. Our only hope then is to simply believe and hope in Christ for our acceptance before God.

Slander or Harmless

WASHINGTON - House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is upset that a popular NBC crime drama used his name as part of its show. DeLay wrote NBC to complain that one of the characters on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" invoked his name in a story line about the shooting death of a federal judge. "Maybe we should put out an APB for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt," the fictional police officer said...."This isolated piece of gritty 'cop talk' was neither a political comment nor an accusation," NBC Entertainment President Kevin Reilly said. "It's not unusual for L & O to mention real names in its fictional stories. We're confident in our viewers' ability to distinguish between the two."

Titus 3:1-2
Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work,to slander no one, to avoid fighting, and to be kind, always showing gentleness to all people.

I have to admit I do not watch Law and Order, but this news story caught my eye. The statement issued by NBC was that the statement was not harmful because they believe their viewers are able to distinguish between what is fictional and what is real. However, they took a real person and put them in a fictional show and then took a stab at a real incident in history. Isn't this what slander is? The tongue is a powerful tool God has given. It can either be used to build up, or tear down. The old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me," is about as useful as me telling my little brother that his cuts would bleed less and hurt less if he didn't cry. Words do hurt! Peoples reputations and self worth can be instantly crushed by one careless statement. And if we searched the scriptures and took into account all of the instructions about the use of words we would find that our words can even have eternal consequences on people. We live under freedom of speech in our land, but God instructs us to use that freedom very carefully. Do not say something hurtful and then say you were only joking. Does NBC really think that statement has not impact? If you had no idea who Tom Delay was or what he stood for but hear a TV show you like poke fun at him, do you think you will think highly of him and respect the authority he has in your life? We can be responsible for the same type of slander if we are not careful. We can put doubt, question into others minds about those in authority by little passing comments we make.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Quotes of the Week

The other day my daughters caught a toad in the yard and put it a bucket. We then left for the day and forgot the toad was in the bucket. When we got home the toad was dead and stiff at the bottom. I explained to the girls that he was dead. To this I got the reply: "Well, now he will be easier to catch."

-Lauren (3 Years Old)

Sunday evening on Mother's Day, Heather was putting the girls to bed. She was lying in the bed with Lauren and out of no where Lauren asked, "Mommy is it still Mother's day?" Heather replied that it was. Without another thought Lauren asked one last question, "When is it going to be Child's Day?"

-Lauren (3 Years Old)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Quotes of the Week

"In many places it is useless to seek for Christianity among Christians."

-John Owen

"We live in a day and age where the number one goal of the church is evangelism and growth rather than holiness, and it shows."

-Andy Lutz
