The Power of Weakness
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
It is a useless feeling to realize you are weak or cannot do anything to help. For the Christian, that helpless useless feeling often places us where we are strongest, on our knees. It is often said, "All I can do is pray now", Or "I wish I could do more, but I will pray for you." We often say this when we feel we can be of no help, or cannot help ourselves, but it is when we have the most power. I cannot raise anyone from the dead, I cannot even heal the sick, nor can I change a person spiritually. However, I can go before the Great Physician, I can go to the Healer, I can go to the Savior and plead on their behalf. Christians have the great privilege of being heard by a God that answers prayer. In other words, our prayers are not weak words or fond thoughts, they are pleas before the only one that can truly help anyone. Today, I have felt many times that I can do nothing, so I have spent more time in prayer, and God has shown his power.