Thursday, December 09, 2004

Thoughts in Hell

Read Luke 16:19-31

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

What are people in hell going to be thinking about? Every so often one will hear someone talking about the chance of going to hell. Often they know they are not living right, but take comfort in the fact that they can reminisce about the glory days of pleasure and self-indulgence. Or they find comfort in the idea that their partners in sin will all be with them. They might say something like; I would rather be in hell with people that know how to have fun, than in paradise with church people. Many have a misconception about Hell. The scriptures never describe it as a place where sinners go to party together. This passage from Luke gives warning to anyone thinking they will find any comfort in Hell. What will one’s thoughts be like in Hell? Hell is a place for punishment of sin. It is also a place where there is not a drop of God’s mercy, grace, or goodness. God’s character will best be seen in hell through his wrath and justice, in contrast to His goodness and grace one spurned while alive on earth. Enjoy any pleasures now, for in hell there will be no enjoyment of them. God is the author and giver of pleasure, and it is only because of his grace, mercy, and patience that we enjoy it now. Hell is the place of ultimate regret and sorrow. Those there will wish like Lazarus that they could trade all earthly pleasures to be a poor church person. They will sorrow for those they know on earth that are chasing after the pleasure and comforts they once sought. They will desire to please God, but without grace and mercy will eternally be unable. Why would anyone want to consider such a depressing thought life? Think about it now briefly, rather than later eternally. Turn to Christ for He is the only lasting pleasure, and the only real comforter. Whether Christian or non-Christian, everyone wants to live a life where they have no regrets. Only those in Christ, will truly have no regrets. Refuse to consider these things now, in order that you may chase after pleasure, and you will regret it for all eternity.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Funerals and Four Year Olds

Yesterday was the funeral of a very beloved lady in our church. It is hard to get baby sitters for funerals, because they come with little notice, they are in the middle of the day, and parents are either too far away, or because Dad and I both work at the church they need to attend as well. Anyway, we had to take all of our kids to the funeral home with us. As we arrived there, our oldest, Kara, wanted to know why this is called a home, but it was her question as we left that got me. We got in the van to leave and Kara asked why all the other people in their cars were lined up and not leaving. I told her they had to go to a place where they will bury the body in the ground. Kara replied "What are they going to do with the head?" I instinctively laughed. Kara then declared, "That is not funny daddy."
