Thursday, September 08, 2005

When Reality TV becomes Reality

For our men's bible study last month we read a chapter from John Piper's book "Pierced by the Word" on the use of TV. Some of you may know that Piper chooses not to have a TV in his homw, but his encouragement to all is to fast from TV, or to stop occupying so much of our mind with it. Our discussion went the modesty issues on TV. This artcle from Malaysia brings out the idea that the issue of modesty goes beyond dress to lifestyle.

"These programs that promote extreme behavior should be banned," Harussani Zakaria, a prominent cleric with the Malaysian Council of Muftis, told The Associated Press. "We're supposed to be modest Asian people, but we risk our heritage when we borrow from the West's lifestyle."

Malaysia has one of the Islamic world's most modern and open societies, though officials have long warned that the popularity of American movies, TV shows and music could contribute to sexual indecency, decreased piety among youths and other social ills.

This comes from a Muslim nation, with no fear of the One True Living God, and yet they see the dangers of certain TV shows, particularly anything from our culture, on the entire lifestyle. I admitt, that I need to re-think some of my own habits. We become numb sometimes to things that are socially accepted here in the States, and we fail to see the damage it has on our life, thinking, and godliness. If those in Malaysia worry about risking their heritage, should we as Christians be worried about risking our heritage? We entertain ourselves with the extreme, and it becomes common. We call it reality TV, but do we want it to become a reality in our life? Maybe Piper's TV fast is long over due for many of us.

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. (Col. 3:1-2)


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