Mickey Mouse Community Church

The Walt Disney Co. is marketing "The Greatest Game Ever Played" to faith-based groups even though the film, about Francis Ouimet's improbable win in the 1913
"Its themes are about family, about not giving up on your dreams, courage," said Dennis Rice, head of publicity at the Walt Disney Studios. "They are very secular virtues, but they also could potentially be Christian virtues."
The views are very secular, but they potentially could be Christian virtues? Can secular virtues be one in the same with Christian virtues? I would propose no, but many Christians might disagree. Romans tells us we have to renew our minds, suggesting that secular thinking may run parallel at times to Christian thinking, but is all the time fundamentally flawed. In what some call the "Christian ghetto" phenomenon, Christians now have a culture all their own. This has been created by Christian becoming an adjective for schools, businesses, music, etc, rather than a noun. We have marketed ourselves this way and are now being marketed to in the same way. One must fear with an article such as this that we have marketed something short of what Christian really is. I may be over-reacting, but it appears we have told the world we want to be just like you only more moral or virtuous. We want our rock music, but with better lyrics. We want our TV sitcoms, but better moral lessons. We want our country clubs, but with less smoking and up front costs, and we will call it a church. It may appear we have won, because Disney is paying attention to Christians, but I fear we have lost. They don't appear to have seen Christ at the center of who we are.
Thanks Andy for the info...like you i was shocked as well. Thanks for the article.
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