Blasted Gourds
Random Thought Life of Pastor Andy
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Modern Day Money Changers

Today we have created a whole "Christian" sub-culture, and we are now a group that Mel Gibson, Disney, and many "Christian" companies and individuals market to in mass. Why? They found out that there is a lot of money to be made from Christians. I am not attempting to condemn all of these businesses for some are run better than others and there is a need for some, but I do want to raise a few concerns. Christian Publishers: Imagine if Paul and the other Apostles said that they had something great that the whole world needed to hear and understand, but if you wanted to copy their Epistles you would need to buy a license that insured they would get the royalties? Christians Music: Can you imagine writing a song that is meant for the glory and praise of God, and then telling all churches and individuals that if they want to use your music they need to pay you royalties in order to praise God with their music? Or saying come worship God with me for only $20 a ticket?
We see this used in other areas as well. There are the Christian Blue Pages, that although they are helpful, it also appears some are using them to try and make more money by marketing Christ's name. You have so many different people and groups using "Christian" in front of their name in order to draw in Christians so they can turn a profit on them.
What is the conclusion? I do not have every area figured out, but I do believe those like Keith Green were onto something, when they became convicted about not charging for their CD's and Concerts. Is it wrong to make money as a Christian? No, I would suggest that it is wrong to market being a Christian or helping Christians in order to make money.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Rob Bell

I have been reading a lot about Rob Bell from friends blogs. I have not read his books or listened to his sermons. I decided to do some searching on the web today and found out the following information.
Quote from ESPN
Bell does not have dynamic stuff, but in the last couple years he has learned to use what he has.
Bell feels he could be on the verge of a breakthrough if given consistent work
From their review of him he really is not that great of a pitcher, but could develop.
I guess it makes me wonder why we are so infatuate with that which is new and exciting, but unproven, rather than what has been shown to be faithful. Not that new is bad, but could it be we spend so much time trying to think out of the box, that we have forgotten that the box was there for a reason?
I don't know, maybe when I have more time I will pick up a copy of the real Rob Bell's book and see what all the fuss is about.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Lauren's World
Last night Heather called me into the girls room at bed time. She was reading a book that teaches about Creation. One of the pages simply read, "And God created male and female." Our four year old Lauren perked up with excitement, "God created oatmeal!" She likes oatmeal. It is good to get so excited and amazed over little things.