Blasted Gourds
Random Thought Life of Pastor Andy
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Meet the Walt Disney of the Funeral Business

Funny Story

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Meth Lab Church
It is sad to read a story like this, and to think it has marred the church and name of Christ. Most of us could never imagine doing anything like what Mosley did. However, all of us do. Few of us end up in the papers for it or prison, but each of our sins is a mar on the name of Christ and the gospel. We are the church of Christ and therefore our sins all take place within the church. For some reason we think of sins within the walls of the brick buildings as far greater, but it is not the building that is the church, we are.
A custodian was arrested for making methamphetamine inside the First Baptist Church where he worked, police said.Richard J. Mosley, 30, of Peru, has been charged with felony manufacturing methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a youth center.
What does a watered down gospel look like?

This could also be described as sugar coating the gospel. My parents used to do this with our medicine. They would trick us by putting the medicine in some apple sauce. We would then swallow what we needed inadvertently. Some have tried to do this with the gospel. They have tried to make it as sweet as possible, by omitting truth or overly focusing on certain truths. In order to give people what they need, Jesus, they weaken or sweeten the gospel to help it slide down. It sounds good, it is coated in terms of evangelism, witnessing, reaching the lost, etc., but we must we must hold fast to the truths of scripture so that our picture of salvation, Christ and God is not blurred.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Tearing Down Fences

It sounds like a great thing, to tear down the barriers and fences that surround us, keep us hemmed in, and that keep others out, and there are times when it must occur. However, what if the fences serve a purpose for which we have lost sight? Fences in our spiritual life are the barriers we put up to keep us from going over into sin and sin from entering into our path. It is part of the process of throwing off the sins that entangle us. Sometimes we too quickly forget how easily sin does entangle and we stop taking it seriously. Examples of some fences in the past, some good and some not as good; don't go to movies, don't use slang words, don't play cards, don't drink, don't watch any movie over PG, don't go to dances, not owning a TV, turning off a TV show if they curse once, not listening to secular music, etc. Some of these you can find direct scriptures to show us the lesson, others are indirect applications of biblical principles. These indirect applications are fences. There is no virtue in them, but they are there to help us maintain a steadfast walk with God.
It seems that in a response to legalism (placing virtue in fences or claiming them for righteousness) much of evangelicalism has removed all its fences. Therefore, there is nothing between us and the world, between us and sin. We have little to distinguish the line between a Christian and a lost person, and we have little cushion between and steadfast walk and sin. What are the answers? Hopefully they will come in later posts.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Mega-Size that please.

The title is linked to an interesting article on the mega-church emphasis of our generation. It should be helpful it sparking discussion on the subject. Trends in church methodology come and go nearly as quickly as fashions change, but the part of the article about disconnecting the church from its spiritual heritage is a frightening thought. Although most trends come and go, it does not mean that one is not more dangerous than another.

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Golf in Korea
As we approach the annual River Cup vs. Owensboro, I have been brought to an all-time low in terms of my golf game. I read this article and now feel I have wasted 15 years of golf. I have yet to have one Hole in One! For those of you that trust the political media or any media read this article.
Eleven holes-in-one in a single round...
Friday, August 05, 2005
Chuck E Cheese Party