Christian Finances

"The generous soul will be made rich." Proverbs 11:25
We hear so much today about "Christian" finances and what we should be doing with our money. If you have spent any time at all in church you have surely heard that you should be a good steward of your money. This is true, and biblical. However, it is not a the primary goal of the Christian with his money. To be generous with what the Lord has given is spoken of far more often in scripture than being a wise steward. The reason that being a steward is so important, is that if we are not wise with our money, then we will not have any to be generous with.
What is the point of this post? Many of us need to rethink our financial goals and the use of our money. Read through scripture and see all of the verses about being frugal and storing up, and compare them to all of the texts and passages that refer to being generous. See how the first church lived with its possessions. Many try to turn their financial life around, and that is great. The only question left is, what is their goal in doing so? So they can live more comfortably? So they can have more? Or so that they can generously build up the kingdom of heaven by tithing more, helping others in need, and supporting missions.